Selasa, 20 September 2011

frequency of making love young people could be 3 times a day

Recent survey results show, the sexual life of married couples has been ideal if it could be said to have sex three times a week. But for newly married young couple, three times a day sometimes it is still lacking.

This fact was revealed in a recent study conducted by leading pollsters, Nielsen worked with a dating site RSVP service provider. Surveys conducted in Australia that involves at least 5300 pairs of various ages.

In the survey revealed, 37 percent of respondents said the ideal frequency of sexual intercourse is 3-6 times a week. Especially for the first months after marriage, 46 percent said the ideal frequency is 3 times a day or more.

"Physical contact and sexual intercourse is an important element in a healthy relationship. This survey proves most young people want sex as often as possible," said John Aitken of RSVP as quoted from, Tuesday (10/09/2011 ).

The younger the age of each spouse, the need for physical contact and sexual intercourse increased sekamin. Respondents from generation Y (the term for people born in the late 20th century) including the said frequency is ideal to have sex 6 times a week.

Most respondents are also satisfied with the frequency of sex he had with current partner. Only about 16 percent of respondents who claimed not enough, in the sense of wanting sex more often.

Along bertambahkan age, sex generally is decreased due to various reasons. In women, menopause triggers, among others, whereas males are usually complications of chronic diseases that cause sexual dysfunction, including impotence.

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